Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun.
I have a windows 7 64bit computer that has a random blue screen that says netio.sys and IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL it has been a few weeks problem, it is to fast to write the things down. I ran a windows mem check for 3 days straight no crash, do you have any ideas?
As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site. Or read our to learn how to use this site. Hi guys, looking to get some help with BSOD I've been having recently.
They happen each time I start to torrent. I have had a look around the internet for solutions and there seem to be a lot of instances of this, but each one might be slightly different. Already have uninstalled McAfee (may have helped slow down the frequency of the crashes, that and reducing global connections to 50) and had a look for Networx (not installed), so I'm looking for some assistance. Here are my specs: I have tried to obtain a dump file from the crash, but I have struggled to do this. Optoma projector driver. The last dump file saved was from back in 2014 and is completely unrelated. I tried changing the dump from kernel type to small memory dump but got this error instead: Kernel_data_inpage_error STOP: 0x0000007A (0xFFFFF6FC50045918, 0xFFFFFFFFC0000056, 0xCD1880, 0xFFFFF8A008B23CAO) Physical memory dump failed with status 0xC0000010 Pretty sure this is related to me changing the dump file type, so I've changed it back.
From what I've read so far, it seems that maybe I'm not generating a kernel dump file because I don't have enough space (source: ). I have about 12GB free, looks like I need at least 25GB - correct me if I'm wrong. If this is the case, is there anyway I can force a kernel memory dump? Or will I have to just make the space, or maybe I'm completely wrong! So to sum up: • Original BSOD: Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - Netio.sys (related to running utorrent) • No kernel dump file generated • Second BSOD: Kernel_data_inpage_error - Physical memory dump failed with status 0xC0000010 (I believe this is because I changed from kernel dump file to small dump file - have since changed it back) • Need help generating a kernel dump file so you can help me further! Your help is very much appreciated!
Edited by Ko-Enshaku, 12 March 2015 - 09:55 AM. Check a couple of settings: • Make sure to select 'complete memory dump' • Make sure your pagefile settings are correct. Under Windows 7, Windows needs at least 1GB allocated. Some people have a habbit of reducing this because they have SSD's and don't want the pagefile writing to the drive.
• System Properties • Advanced Settings • Advanced Tab • Performance Settings • Advanced Tab • Click 'Change' • Check the checkbox 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives' or set at least 1GB (1024 MB) as an initial size. More may be needed. • Once you do get a complete memory dump, you'll need to post it via drop box or some other source or follow some guidelines on using Windows Debugger (apart of the Windows SDK) to diagnose the possible cause. Ko-Enshaku, According to your MiniToolBox report, your computer system appears to have two anti-virus programs currently installed: Avast Free Antivirus and Comodo Internet Security. If this is truly the case, you will need to completely uninstall one of them, since running more than one antivirus program at the same time can really mess up your system.
(including causing a BSOD) Also, it appears that you only have 10GB free space left on your 446GB hard drive. Windows normally requires about 15% free space to run optimally, which means you'd need about 67GB free space.
Therefore, recommend that you either delete some programs that you don't use very often, or transfer some of your data files to another hard drive, USB, CD/DVD, etc. For separate storage. Best regards. Edited by Torvald, 12 March 2015 - 01:32 PM. I do have two anti-virus pieces of software, however I use Comodo just for the firewall and Avast as the anti-virus.
Is this still a problem? I have used them in tandem for a long time.
If I had to get rid of one, I'm not sure which one I'd pick, any advice? As for the space.
Yes I am very guilty of this. I am working on making more space as we speak! I'd have to agree with Torvald but a few suggestions: • Running two Antivirus programs in tandem isn't a great idea, and here's why: • 'Security' programs such as Antivirus programs while helpful for existing, known threats, have to 'guess' possible threats to a system, and this is hit and miss among different Antivirus programs. • A lot of the older AV engines were found this last year to be terribly insecure, because they typically run as the NT Authority System user, as well as a lot of the older file scanning code base built into the engines were easily susceptible to malicious code.
Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun.
I have a windows 7 64bit computer that has a random blue screen that says netio.sys and IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL it has been a few weeks problem, it is to fast to write the things down. I ran a windows mem check for 3 days straight no crash, do you have any ideas?
As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site. Or read our to learn how to use this site. Hi guys, looking to get some help with BSOD I\'ve been having recently.
They happen each time I start to torrent. I have had a look around the internet for solutions and there seem to be a lot of instances of this, but each one might be slightly different. Already have uninstalled McAfee (may have helped slow down the frequency of the crashes, that and reducing global connections to 50) and had a look for Networx (not installed), so I\'m looking for some assistance. Here are my specs: I have tried to obtain a dump file from the crash, but I have struggled to do this. Optoma projector driver. The last dump file saved was from back in 2014 and is completely unrelated. I tried changing the dump from kernel type to small memory dump but got this error instead: Kernel_data_inpage_error STOP: 0x0000007A (0xFFFFF6FC50045918, 0xFFFFFFFFC0000056, 0xCD1880, 0xFFFFF8A008B23CAO) Physical memory dump failed with status 0xC0000010 Pretty sure this is related to me changing the dump file type, so I\'ve changed it back.
From what I\'ve read so far, it seems that maybe I\'m not generating a kernel dump file because I don\'t have enough space (source: ). I have about 12GB free, looks like I need at least 25GB - correct me if I\'m wrong. If this is the case, is there anyway I can force a kernel memory dump? Or will I have to just make the space, or maybe I\'m completely wrong! So to sum up: • Original BSOD: Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - Netio.sys (related to running utorrent) • No kernel dump file generated • Second BSOD: Kernel_data_inpage_error - Physical memory dump failed with status 0xC0000010 (I believe this is because I changed from kernel dump file to small dump file - have since changed it back) • Need help generating a kernel dump file so you can help me further! Your help is very much appreciated!
Edited by Ko-Enshaku, 12 March 2015 - 09:55 AM. Check a couple of settings: • Make sure to select \'complete memory dump\' • Make sure your pagefile settings are correct. Under Windows 7, Windows needs at least 1GB allocated. Some people have a habbit of reducing this because they have SSD\'s and don\'t want the pagefile writing to the drive.
• System Properties • Advanced Settings • Advanced Tab • Performance Settings • Advanced Tab • Click \'Change\' • Check the checkbox \'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives\' or set at least 1GB (1024 MB) as an initial size. More may be needed. • Once you do get a complete memory dump, you\'ll need to post it via drop box or some other source or follow some guidelines on using Windows Debugger (apart of the Windows SDK) to diagnose the possible cause. Ko-Enshaku, According to your MiniToolBox report, your computer system appears to have two anti-virus programs currently installed: Avast Free Antivirus and Comodo Internet Security. If this is truly the case, you will need to completely uninstall one of them, since running more than one antivirus program at the same time can really mess up your system.
(including causing a BSOD) Also, it appears that you only have 10GB free space left on your 446GB hard drive. Windows normally requires about 15% free space to run optimally, which means you\'d need about 67GB free space.
Therefore, recommend that you either delete some programs that you don\'t use very often, or transfer some of your data files to another hard drive, USB, CD/DVD, etc. For separate storage. Best regards. Edited by Torvald, 12 March 2015 - 01:32 PM. I do have two anti-virus pieces of software, however I use Comodo just for the firewall and Avast as the anti-virus.
Is this still a problem? I have used them in tandem for a long time.
If I had to get rid of one, I\'m not sure which one I\'d pick, any advice? As for the space.
Yes I am very guilty of this. I am working on making more space as we speak! I\'d have to agree with Torvald but a few suggestions: • Running two Antivirus programs in tandem isn\'t a great idea, and here\'s why: • \'Security\' programs such as Antivirus programs while helpful for existing, known threats, have to \'guess\' possible threats to a system, and this is hit and miss among different Antivirus programs. • A lot of the older AV engines were found this last year to be terribly insecure, because they typically run as the NT Authority System user, as well as a lot of the older file scanning code base built into the engines were easily susceptible to malicious code.
...'>Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal Netio.sys(18.08.2018)Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun.
I have a windows 7 64bit computer that has a random blue screen that says netio.sys and IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL it has been a few weeks problem, it is to fast to write the things down. I ran a windows mem check for 3 days straight no crash, do you have any ideas?
As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site. Or read our to learn how to use this site. Hi guys, looking to get some help with BSOD I\'ve been having recently.
They happen each time I start to torrent. I have had a look around the internet for solutions and there seem to be a lot of instances of this, but each one might be slightly different. Already have uninstalled McAfee (may have helped slow down the frequency of the crashes, that and reducing global connections to 50) and had a look for Networx (not installed), so I\'m looking for some assistance. Here are my specs: I have tried to obtain a dump file from the crash, but I have struggled to do this. Optoma projector driver. The last dump file saved was from back in 2014 and is completely unrelated. I tried changing the dump from kernel type to small memory dump but got this error instead: Kernel_data_inpage_error STOP: 0x0000007A (0xFFFFF6FC50045918, 0xFFFFFFFFC0000056, 0xCD1880, 0xFFFFF8A008B23CAO) Physical memory dump failed with status 0xC0000010 Pretty sure this is related to me changing the dump file type, so I\'ve changed it back.
From what I\'ve read so far, it seems that maybe I\'m not generating a kernel dump file because I don\'t have enough space (source: ). I have about 12GB free, looks like I need at least 25GB - correct me if I\'m wrong. If this is the case, is there anyway I can force a kernel memory dump? Or will I have to just make the space, or maybe I\'m completely wrong! So to sum up: • Original BSOD: Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - Netio.sys (related to running utorrent) • No kernel dump file generated • Second BSOD: Kernel_data_inpage_error - Physical memory dump failed with status 0xC0000010 (I believe this is because I changed from kernel dump file to small dump file - have since changed it back) • Need help generating a kernel dump file so you can help me further! Your help is very much appreciated!
Edited by Ko-Enshaku, 12 March 2015 - 09:55 AM. Check a couple of settings: • Make sure to select \'complete memory dump\' • Make sure your pagefile settings are correct. Under Windows 7, Windows needs at least 1GB allocated. Some people have a habbit of reducing this because they have SSD\'s and don\'t want the pagefile writing to the drive.
• System Properties • Advanced Settings • Advanced Tab • Performance Settings • Advanced Tab • Click \'Change\' • Check the checkbox \'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives\' or set at least 1GB (1024 MB) as an initial size. More may be needed. • Once you do get a complete memory dump, you\'ll need to post it via drop box or some other source or follow some guidelines on using Windows Debugger (apart of the Windows SDK) to diagnose the possible cause. Ko-Enshaku, According to your MiniToolBox report, your computer system appears to have two anti-virus programs currently installed: Avast Free Antivirus and Comodo Internet Security. If this is truly the case, you will need to completely uninstall one of them, since running more than one antivirus program at the same time can really mess up your system.
(including causing a BSOD) Also, it appears that you only have 10GB free space left on your 446GB hard drive. Windows normally requires about 15% free space to run optimally, which means you\'d need about 67GB free space.
Therefore, recommend that you either delete some programs that you don\'t use very often, or transfer some of your data files to another hard drive, USB, CD/DVD, etc. For separate storage. Best regards. Edited by Torvald, 12 March 2015 - 01:32 PM. I do have two anti-virus pieces of software, however I use Comodo just for the firewall and Avast as the anti-virus.
Is this still a problem? I have used them in tandem for a long time.
If I had to get rid of one, I\'m not sure which one I\'d pick, any advice? As for the space.
Yes I am very guilty of this. I am working on making more space as we speak! I\'d have to agree with Torvald but a few suggestions: • Running two Antivirus programs in tandem isn\'t a great idea, and here\'s why: • \'Security\' programs such as Antivirus programs while helpful for existing, known threats, have to \'guess\' possible threats to a system, and this is hit and miss among different Antivirus programs. • A lot of the older AV engines were found this last year to be terribly insecure, because they typically run as the NT Authority System user, as well as a lot of the older file scanning code base built into the engines were easily susceptible to malicious code.
...'>Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal Netio.sys(18.08.2018)